Book Three – Witan Jewell

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Fire meets Ice in the forest stronghold of Witan Jewell, where Lord Sur Sceaf and the three tribes sojourn. Their joining together should give them the best chance of warding off the evil empire of Hryre Seath.  Witan Jewell is the forge in which the three tribes will be smelted.

Not only must Sur Sceaf struggle to understand his tumultuous love for Taneshewa, but he is constantly beset by fractious religious leaders among those at Witan Jewell and raiding parties of Pitter rat-packs who seek to derail the uniting of the tribes

The Pitter Empire looms like a giant poised to devour the budding nation in its infancy. A vast city fortress must be built to dam further Pitter encroachment. When tensions are high, Sur Sceaf delivers his stewardship of Witan Jewell to the High King Sur Spear and leaves to the west coast to found a whaling enterprise which will fund a workforce. Many centuries have passed since man engaged the Great Deep. Many fear that Sur Sceaf is leading the most valiant men into certain death.  If he should fail, humanity shall surely drown amidst the waves of dark forces battering at the borders of civilization.