Book Four – The Isle of Ilkchild

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The trials and dangers of sea-travel have forged the men of three tribes into a firm brotherhood, foreshadowing the final melding of the allied peoples. Landing their boats upon an island’s shore, they gather around a council fire and name themselves the Syrfolk.

The isle has its attractions, natural fortification, mineral wealth and vegetative exuberance. This could be the sanctuary and final stronghold the Syrfolk desire. However, monsters, trolls, and strange tribes make the island difficult to subdue. The Young-Bloods find their share of trouble in the myriad caves and peoples of the new land but unbeknownst to them, these are the least of their worries.

The Pitters, having heard news of sea-travel, attempt a counter launch to thwart the endeavors of the Herewardi and their allies. The race for settling the Isle as a strategic asset is on. King Sur Spear hurries the process by sending droves of settlers to build and fortify the Island.

While Sur Sceaf is away at sea, traitors at home on the mainland conspire to murder him. No one in his family is safe.